About Fred Kane

From playing on the streets in San Francisco in the mid-70’s to years of performing in the Chicago area, for Fred Kane, music has always been a life long endeavor.

In the early 80’s he began writing, recording and producing music for films and videos for many businesses and corporations in the Chicago area. These projects became a steady and successful business that extended into the late 90’s.

A move to California(San Francisco, south bay area) in 1999 began a new career as a private teacher for both acoustic guitar and piano. This is still part of Fred Kane’s life and 20+ years of teaching individual and private lessons has been a very fulfilling experience, having given thousands of lessons and introducing young people to the great songwriters and bands that has defined the musical landscape for the last 60 years. After a long hiatus from composing, Fred returned to writing music several years ago. As both a life long student of music, music theory and the technology that now exists, it is truly an exciting time to be able to take advantage of the opportunities that he, and many others have to display their music.

A student of music is ALWAYS a student of music. The great cellist Pablo Casals, who performed and conducted into his 90’s once said, “I think I’m making progress. I think I see some improvement.”

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